Team Trenkwalder
8 months ago
•3 min read
Diversity at Trenkwalder
Respect and diversity is an integral part of our corporate culture and is firmly anchored in our Code of Conduct.
June is Pride Month - the month when LGBTQI+ communities around the world come together to celebrate the freedom to be themselves or protest against the lack of freedom to do so.
At Trenkwalder, we value diversity and embrace a culture of mutual appreciation and respect, regardless of age, disability, gender, sexual orientation and identity, ethnic or cultural origin and religion. We value our employees as unique personalities and benefit from their different experiences and backgrounds.
These rules of conduct are therefore laid down in the Trenkwalder Code of Conduct.
An employee's sexual orientation and identity is often considered a “private matter” for their career. This leads to employees hiding their identity and orientation or disguising themselves so as not to jeopardize their career and avoid discrimination.
At Trenkwalder, everyone can and should be who they are, as this is the only way for every employee to develop their full potential. Only an open-minded and open corporate culture releases synergies and promotes equal cooperation.
This benefits employees and the company in equal measure.
Find out more about diversity at Trenkwalder on YouTube.
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